Monday, August 31, 2009

My son is sick!

I have a sick boy tonight..It started after his ball tryouts yesterday. I could tell when he was at practice something just wasn't right. When we got home he was complaining about being dizzy but I thought it was just practice. It had lasted for over 3 hours..Then his daddy felt his head and it was warm. I took his temp and it was 99.8..So I gave him some Tylenol and it went down. When he got up this morning for school he felt fine. I told him in case he didn't feel good to call me at work today. He never called so I thought that was good. My mom picked him up from school and called me at work saying he was warm. I told her to bring him on to my work and I would take him to urgent care when I got off at 5 just to be on the safe side. His face was bright red and blood shot eyes. I felt him and he was on FIRE... We went on to the Dr and I had my friend there go ahead and take his temp. It was at 102.9..Poor baby was HOT..They done a nose swab then a strep test and they were both negative. So then it was time to take some blood...OH NO...he started freaking rarely go to the Dr so he hasn't had to have blood taken too much. But he did fine..They finally decided he has the FLU....So were secluded in doors for several days now and no school until he's fever free for 24hrs...I just now thought he was asleep in my lap then he said I misspelled a word.haha...He's reading this while I type..I sure do LOVE my big man!!!!! Just keep us in your prayers that his fever will stay down and that we don't get it too!

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